In Our Trade, It Is Easy To Get Greedy And Crosses The Line
As usual, I began the rental negotiation with the tenant but it seems they can’t accept the new rental rates.
During the negotiation process, I received this message from the tenant.
“Try to help me this case, I can consider to assign you for my next property resale agent upon TOP”

He is basically saying that he will give an opportunity to sell his unit when it hits TOP.
As a real estate agent, we are all driven by sales and commission. We have no steady paycheque but regular fixed expenses.
So it so easy for us to fall into the trap of wanting more sales and in the process – we choose to forget what is right and what is wrong.
Examples On How Agents Can Make Mistakes By Seeking For More Commissions
We make the big mistake of throwing away our values for that bigger pay cheque.
There are actually many other examples.
A direct buyer asking the seller agent to reduce the selling price by offering to give a referral case.
A direct buyer who offers the seller agent a chance to sell their property – if they reduce the price of the property they are keen of.
A seller who offers the buyer agent other deals to entice him or her to do their best to convince their buyer to offer a higher price.
These are some of the common situations that arises that challenge the integrity and character of a salesperson.
Trust Has To Be Earned Over Time

For me personally, it is extremely important to always honour the trust to whom I represent.
This trust was not handed over easily….
It was built up over a long period of time through countless meetups and discussions.
Trust is slowly earned. Not easily available and definitely can’t be purchased in the supermarkets.
But do it well?
A relationship is forged and a genuine friendship is built. Where I have all their trust to handle all their property transactions.
But a moment of greed?
All that trust is destroyed forever as the whole foundation of the relationship is broken.
The reason I wrote this is to serve as reminder to me to always stand firm with the right values and character so we will never get lost.